Our Recommendations

We are often asked about pieces of equipment, training treats, food and other items for your dog and so we have put together a page of products we have used or still use, have experience of and would happily recommend.

Some of these items may not be suitable for you should your dog have specific medical issues, allergies or other considerations so please make sure you take note of ingredients and take into account your dog’s specific needs.

This is not a complete list and we will keep adding to it as new products come along that we like.



Long Lines

These are brilliant for teaching recall as they give you peace of mind while allowing your dog some extra freedom.

Using a long line (5m or 10m) can be very helpful in distracting environments when working on recall. There are two techniques for holding a long line when you begin:

  • Have it wrapped like a fishing line and gradually increase the distance the dog has,
  • Let the line drag along the floor but hold it midway along – leaving the rest to trail behind you. This second approach stops the dog running straight to the end of the line and gives you more control to slow their progress if they attempt to do so. When they are more experienced you can simply let the long line trail on the floor or unclip it completely if you wish.
  • Its also a good idea to separate your equipment depending on what you want your dog to do. So, if you are out for a leisure walk and you want your dog to be able to run around, then a long line is ideal.
  • If you are training them and practicing their lead walking, use their usual harness/collar and lead so the 2 areas are kept separate.

We particularly recommend a line made from a PVC coating as they are less likely to tangle. We use these in our classes:






Front Clip Harness

We often recommend front clip harnesses used with a double ended lead for dogs that have a tendency to pull.

We have used the Dog Copenhagen harness on our guys and they are comfortable and fit well. They really help to teach good loose lead walking.

The Perfect Fit Harness can be bought in separate pieces which means that you don’t have to buy a whole new harness as your puppy starts to grow.






Double Ended Lead

When used with the front clip harness, the double ended lead can be attached to a point on the front chest area and also on the back for extra control when walking. 

This means that when your dog pulls, they are very slightly pulled around to one side which encourages the pulling to stop.


360 Degree Camera and treat dispenser.

We use the Furbo to keep a check on our guys and they are great idea for dogs that suffer with separation anxiety.




Tug Toys

Tug-e-Nuff – Durable toys ideal for training recall, for play and enrichment.

We use these in our group classes as well as in individual 1-2-1 sessions and they are always popular and hard wearing.


Beef Strips

We have tried many, many dog treats over the years and have found that the natural beef or chicken strips are most popular.


 We have used these ones many times and are often asked in classes what they are as they so popular!:

Yak Chews

For dogs who like to chew, Yakkers Yak Chews are extremely durable and long lasting. They can help with dogs who find being alone more challenging and are made from natural ingredients.





I recommend these to lots of clients with dogs that get bored easily or find being alone difficult.


As with the Lickimats, you can add low fat cream cheese, dog friendly peanut butter or pieces of kibble to keep your dog occupied.


The Kong Stuff-a-Ball is great for adding small treats or kibble.


I use this particular pouch as it has magnetic closure for easy access.

It also has room for bags and other items and a belt clip.




These are great for enrichment and for dogs who need something to do and to alleviate boredom. You can add low fat cream cheese, dog friendly peanut butter, natural yogurt or anything else your dog loves. They last even longer when frozen.


Snuffle Mats

Again these are great for hiding kibble or treats for dogs who enjoy this type of enrichment.



We have used the following website many times when researching the nutritional value and suitability of a certain food:



And we use the following brands for our guys:



Food & Water Bowls.

The perfect bowls for your dog can depend on their size and also their age. You might want to think about a raised bowl for older dogs as they may struggle to bend their necks.

Some dogs eat their food very quickly so slow feeders are ideal.




For nervous or anxious dogs, these remedies can be extremely helpful, especially at difficult times such as firework night.

Pet Remedy

These supplements can also be effective for dogs with separation anxiety or other general anxiety.


These are linked to the collar so they don’t make any noise


These are great for teaching ‘Go to Place’ but also an ideal option for warmer days. 


Petbank Light up Dog Collar with Rechargeable USB


We run Pet Gun Dog Classes and these are some of the items we use in this type of training.


We use these as a set place for your dog to return to when training lots of skills such as recall, stay etc.

You can buy boards especially designed for this:

Huntmark Place Board

Or alternatively, you could use a raised step or even make one yourself from timber and top with artificial grass.

Non-Slip Outdoor Step

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